Whew! What a week! I absolutely loved the open houses at the businesses that carry my products and had a load of fun meeting people that were interested in the products I make. And helping customers select their own faux cupcakes, cakes and candied apples for their own homes and businesses was a blast! Thanks to all that made this week a success for me and for Jenni B Originals.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Good Things Utah Appearance
Whew! What a week! I absolutely loved the open houses at the businesses that carry my products and had a load of fun meeting people that were interested in the products I make. And helping customers select their own faux cupcakes, cakes and candied apples for their own homes and businesses was a blast! Thanks to all that made this week a success for me and for Jenni B Originals.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Jenni B Open Houses in Utah Valley
1:oo pm - 5:00 pm
10953 N Alpine Highway
Highland, UT 84003

*photos courtesy of http://www.mydearlizzie.com/
The following day, come to Tammi's Finders Keepers in American Fork for a cupcake sale! This cupcake sale isn't any ordinary bake sale. The cupcakes here are all faux decorative cupcakes. Not only will there be cupcakes, but faux cookies, faux chocolate dipped strawberry magnets, faux cakes and cream tarts, and more! Certainly a feast for your eyes!
Tammi's Finders Keepers is the home of the ultimate stylish distressed furniture for the best value. Tammi and her husband, Mike, search far and wide to bring great deals to anyone that wants an updated decor. They even make some of their own furniture! Their decor accents are to die for as well. Whenever I go to Utah, this place is definitely on the top of my list as far as places to shop.
Cupcake Sale
Thursday, June 19
11:oo am - 1:00 pm
63 East Main Street
American Fork, UT

*photos courtesy of http://www.tammisfinderskeepers.com/
Finally, on Friday, I'll be heading over to Scrooge and Marleys in Lehi for a Tea Party! How fun is this? We're even going to be set up outside if the weather is nice. This little party is going to be a terrific kick-off to the Lehi Roundup Days. The shop owner, Donna, is a big supporter of Lehi City and all of the townsfolk. Lots of yummy treats will be served for sure!
The first time I met with Donna to show her my faux chocolate truffles, she just fell in love. This store has a wonderful country feel that carries extremely high quality furnishings. Not only is there furniture, but fabulous gifts for any occasion. My mom and I like to call this place "Scrooge's" for short since we talk about it so much we had to shorten the name. If you're EVER in Lehi, Scrooge's is definitely a must-shop!
Tea Party!
Friday, June 20
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
791 N 100 E
Lehi, UT
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
CB Photography